In traditional IT, procuring computing resources is extremely time consuming process and expensive too. Also, the technology is changing is so rapidly and so the demand for various applications, here are the minimal steps one would typically go through.

Issues with this approach

AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) service provides virtual computing capacity in AWS Cloud. EC2 service eliminates the need for invest in hardware up front, so that application developrs can spent more time on application development rather than on infrastructure needs and take your application faster to the market.


There are two different ways to launch an EC2 instance from AWS console.

  • Number of instances: You can choose to launch more number of instances with same configuration if you wish.
  • Purchasing option: If you wish to choose Spot instances, you can select this option.
    Spot instances are special type of EC2 instances where you can bid for a price that you are willing to pay, if the instances are available when needed AWS will allocate that to you, but if someone else bids with higher price, and if there there are no available instances to serve that higher bidder, AWS may terminate your instance and give it to higher bidder. So, this is a very economic option and may suit best for some applications if losing instances in the middle of something is not an issue, and this may not be a suitable option for applications which cannot lose any data in the middle of running the instance.
  • Network: Choose the VPC name where you want to place this EC2 instance, you can either choose the default one that gets created when you signup in AWS or create a new one, refer to this article if you want to create your own VPC.
  • Subnet: Choose the subnet within the VPC where you would like to place this EC2 under, If you have multiple subnets for different purposes like public subnet for internet facing or private subnet for non internet facing etc. choose the right one.
  • Auto-assign Public IP: If you enable this, then it requests a public IP address from Amazon's public IP address pool, to make your instance reachable from the Internet. In most cases, the public IP address will be associated with the instance until it’s stopped or terminated, after that it’s no longer available for you to use, it will go back to AWS public IPs pool. If you want a dedicated static public IP address that you want to associate with the EC2, use an Elastic IP address (EIP) instead. You can allocate your own EIP, and associate it to your instance after launch.
  • Hostname type: Hostname can either be IP name based on resource name based.
  • DNS Hostname: This setting is to tell whether resource-based IPv4 DNS determines if requests to your resource name will resolve to the IPv4 address of this EC2 instance. IP name IPv4 DNS determination is enabled by default.
AWS EC2 dashboard
  • Placement group: Add this EC2 instance to a placement group if you have any in place already. Placement groups are nothing but strategies you can create in AWS to place EC2 instances such that they can benefit from features such as low-latency networking etc. Refer to Placement groups article.
  • Capacity Reservation: Capacity Reservations reserve capacity for your EC2 instances in a specific AZ (Availability Zone). You can launch instances into a Capacity Reservation if they have matching attributes (instance type, platform, and Availability Zone), and available capacity. You can choose the options Open, Target by group, Target by ID or None.
    'Open' means that the Capacity Reservation automatically place this EC2 instance into reserved capacity based on matching attributes - instance type, platform, and Availability Zone.
    'Target by group' or 'Target by ID' - means that the Capacity Reservation matches the attributes - instance type, platform, and Availability Zone, plus the target provided.
  • To know more on how to create a Capacity Reservation - go to this article Capacity Reservation

  • IAM role: An IAM role automatically deploys AWS credentials to resources that assume it. You can select the instance profile that contains the required IAM role. If you created your IAM role using the console, the instance profile has the same name as your IAM role.
  • To know more on how to create a IAM roles - go to this article IAM (Identity Access Management)

AWS EC2 dashboard
  • Shutdown behavior: Choose an option whether you want to stop the EC2 instance when you shut down the system or terminate the EC2 instance. If you terminate you will lose it forever and you may lose the data as well.
  • Stop - Hibernate behavior: Check this option if you would like to add Hibernate as an additional stop behavior.
  • Enable termination protection: Check this option if you would like to have an extra layer of security in case if you terminate EC2 instance by mistake. By choosing this AWS will not let you to terminate the EC2 instance until you disable this option.
  • Monitoring: Select this option if you would like to send EC2 instance metrics and monitoring data over to CloudWatch. The default behaviour of collecting the stats is free and it pushes the data every 5 minutes, you can enable more advanced monitoring where data will be refreshed every 1 minute.
  • Tenancy: You can choose whether you want to run EC2 instances in a shared hardware instance or dedicated hardware.
  • Elastic Inference: This option provides cost efficient hardware acceleration for deep learning inference for all EC2 instance types, at a fraction of the cost of standalone GPU instances.
AWS EC2 dashboard
  • Credit specification: If you select this checkbox 'Unlimited' - allows applications to burst beyond the baseline for as long as needed at any time. If the average CPU utilization of the instance is at or below the baseline, the hourly instance price automatically covers all usage. Otherwise, all usage above baseline is billed.
  • File systems: You can specify EFS file systems to mount to your instance. This is a network file system, so file system you are going to use must have a security group that allows inbound access for the TCP protocol on the NFS port from the EC2 instance, and the EC2 instance must have a security group that allows outbound access to the mount targets on the NFS port.
  • Enclave: This option enable you to creare isolated compute environments to further protect the data, and securely process highly sensitive data within your Amazon EC2 instances. For more info on Nitro Enclave, read this article on AWS
  • Metadata accessible: You can choose whether to allow EC2 instance meta data accessible via HTTP endpoint or not.
  • Metadata version: Meta data API version endpoints to enable.
  • Metadata token response hop limit: The number of network hops that the metadata token can travel. Default is 1. Maximum is 64.
  • Allow tags in metadata: Whether to allow EC2 instance tags to be allowed as Meta data or not.
  • User data: You can specify scripts or configuration to run upon launching EC2 instance, for example you can commands to install necessary software packages or configure the system or add environment variable etc.

Once you have chosen all the options as necessary to meet your specific needs, click on Add Storage

AWS EC2 dashboard

You can select the options for EBS to meet your need.

  • Device: The available device names for the volume. The options what you will get here depends on the AMI that chose in the first step. Some AMIs may create symbolic links to the name you specify in case if the device attached with different name that what you specify.
  • Snapshot: If you want to create a volume using a snapshot that is available in S3 buckets, you can specify the snapshot id here. you automatically get several public snapshot ids that are available to use or you can create one for your use case. A good example usecase would be, you can prepackage application files that you need and prepare a snapshot and store them in S3, you can simply re-use that snapshot here.
  • Size (GiB): specify the size for the volume in Giga Bytes.
  • Volume Type: Choose the volume type that you want to use, such as SSD, Magnetic tape storage etc.
  • Delete on Termination: You can select this option if you want to delete the volume when you terminate EC2 instance, and if you want to retain the volume for any other purpose like auditing or back needs, you can uncheck this box.
  • Encryption: In this option, you can select the KMS (AWS's Key Management Service) key to use for encryption if you want to encrypt the data on the file system.
AWS EC2 dashboard
AWS EC2 dashboard AWS EC2 dashboard AWS EC2 dashboard